Saturday, May 30, 2009

Seputeh Security Town Hall Meeting Agenda & Purpose

Copy of email to Seputeh Yahoo Newsgroup

Since the last AGM, I have been approached by the SRA Committee to spearhead this security initiative. For the sake of the Seputeh community, I am willing to contribute my time and effort as a volunteer and will try to do my best.

Allow me to clarify the situation.

Deepak is right in that the scheme will be presented for feedback first. This is why the main points of the scheme have been included in the notice sent out to everyone.

It seems that many people are not clear why we are having this Town Hall meeting. Perhaps, a flashback will help.

At the last AGM, a resolution duly proposed and seconded by two members were put to the ballot. It was carried with more than two-third majority. (131 against 46 with 9 abstentions). This was the resolution:


Given that the security situation in Seputeh has not improved since the last Annual General Meeting,

We, the concerned members of SRA, at this AGM note with alarm the rising incidences of snatch thefts and petty crime in our community,

So we hereby resolve to:

Empowering the SRA Committee (The Committee) to take whatever measures necessary towards improving the security of the Seputeh community on the following principles:

a. The Committee explores all avenues of enhancing security and will adopt any paid or unpaid measure for the good of the Seputeh community;

b. The Committee considers seeking funding from any source, including from the Government, provided that the interest of the SRA and the Seputeh community are not compromised;

c. The Committee gives top priority to the welfare, safety and security of the entire Seputeh community;

d. The Committee ensures that any contribution to any security scheme shall be entirely voluntary and no member of the SRA shall be forced or otherwise coerced into paying any money; and,

e. That SRA funds will only be used to benefit members.


Based on this resolution, the SRA Committee formed a Security Committee to carry out the intention of the resolution, keeping in mind part (a) and the other four guiding principles.

The AGM also passed a motion that, in the event the Committee decides on any paid security scheme, it should revert with details of the scheme to all residents for them to decide whether to subscribe or not. Please note that the scheme details must be presented to all those whom we want to invite into the scheme – members and non-members. This is why there is a need to hold a Town Hall meeting and not merely an SRA general meeting of members.

The decision to go ahead with a paid scheme has been made by the security committee after considering all options. This recommendation was presented to the SRA Committee and approved. It is now time for the Town Hall meeting where we will meet residents and clarify any enquiries or doubts that they have. It will not be implemented without getting the feedback and perhaps, better ideas from residents on how to do it better.

The Security Committee wants all the main points of the scheme to be widely disseminated so that residents can come with questions and give feedback. We have not awarded the scheme to any company yet. In fact, we have also asked those who know of credible security companies to recommend them to us. These companies can contact us in the usual manner stated in the notice.

We hope to incorporate whatever views and opinions aired by residents at this Sunday’s meeting into the scheme – as far as possible – and as far as the Security Committee agrees that they are sound and credible ideas. I am sure any reasonable person will be aware that while all views can be heard and considered, not all can be implemented. The Security Committee will hear, consider and decide. It is not a question of who is right or wrong but an issue of which seems to be the best solution and approach to solve Seputeh’s security situation.

We have to move on, go ahead and do it. We need all your support and goodwill.

On the agenda of the meeting, Deepak did not list it out because the Town Hall meeting is a single-purpose meeting – all about security. We thought it was obvious but we were mistaken.

So, here is the agenda:

1. Opening remarks by SRA President

· President Robert Quah welcomes residents to the Town Hall meeting and explain the AGM resolution (non-members would not have known about it)

· President introduces the SRA Security Committee

2. SRA Security Chairman briefs residents on main features of the security scheme

3. Residents to give their views and seek clarification

4. Selection of auditors (at least two) for the security fund

5. Call for volunteers to be street representatives

6. Any other business

Hope that clarifies and we will see you both there. Thank you.

Best regards,


Chairman of SRA Security Committee

Monday, May 25, 2009

Residents Town Hall Meeting this Sunday

The Seputeh Residents Town Hall Meeting on security is ON!
  • Japan Club at 2pm, Sunday May 31 2009
Please click to read the notice and security scheme brief. Thank you.
The SRA Committee
Sunday May 24 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hoping for quicker deployment of gensets

Dear SRA Members,

This is a copy of the email communication with Tenaga for your information.

From: KH Lim []
Sent: Wednesday, 6 May, 2009 5:04 PM
To: 'Nur Zaidi bin Mohamed Yusup'; ''
Cc: ''
Subject: SRA menghargai usaha Tenaga, harap dapat gunakan genset secepat mungkin

Saudara Nur Zaidi,

Terima kasih atas penjelasan yang diberi di atas gangguan bekalan malam tadi dan kelmarin.

Bila bekalan letrik terputus lebih-kurang jam 8.45 semalam, saya fikir seketika: “Adakah Tenaga ini pantang dipuji?“ J Apatah lagi, gangguan berlaku dua malam berturut-turut pada waktu yang agak sama.

Lagi pun, Encik Mohamed, penyelia di call centre, memberitahu saya gangguan kali ini disebabkan oleh kerosakan yang lebih teruk dan akan mengambil masa yang agar lebih lama untuk memulihkan bekalan.

Walau bagaimanapun, kami faham bahawa keadaan ini tidak dapat dielakkan. Kami juga amat menghargai usaha pasukan Tenaga untuk “locate and repair“ dan keputusan Tenaga untuk mendapat bekalan sementara dari genset sewaktu kerja-kerja menggantikan kabel dijalankan sepanjang malam.

Kami juga berharap, jika gangguan berlaku di masa hadapan, pihak Tenaga dapat menggunakan genset dalam masa secepat mungkin dan tidak akan mengambil masa selama dua jam macam malam tadi.

Sekian, Terima-kasih.

KH Lim

Naib Presiden SRA

From: Nur Zaidi bin Mohamed Yusup []
Sent: Wednesday, 6 May, 2009 2:28 PM
To: KH Lim
Subject: RE: Tenaga responded well to Seputeh residents' call for help

Mr. Lim,

Saya ingin memohon maaf di atas gangguan bekalan yang telah dialami pada hai Isnin dan Selasa. Kedua-dua gangguan adalah berkaitan.

Gangguan bekalan pada hari Isnin adalah berpunca dari cable fault dari PMU Danau Desa ke Pencawang Elektrik Taman Bukit Seputeh. Fasa yang terlibat adalah fasa kuning. Feedback telah diberi untuk memberi bekalan semula ke Pencawang Elektrik Tmn Bukit Seputeh. Dalam lingkungan 9.30 pm Bekalan telah berjaya dipulihkan.

Semalam iaitu pada hari Selasa pukul 8.45 pm satu lagi gangguan bekalan di kawasan Seputeh telah berlaku. Ini adalah disebabkan oleh feedback yang diberi pada hari Isnin telah trip. Berbeza dengan hari Isnin, masa untuk pulihkan bekalan memerlukan masa kerana tiada feedback dapat diberi disebabkan beban yang tinggi. Genset telah dipanggil pada pukul 12 pm. 1.45 pm genset siap dipasang ke 2 buah pencawang elektrik untuk memberi bekalan ke kawasan yang mengalami gangguan.

Kerja-kerja locate dan repair telah dilakukan. Cable yang rosak telah diganti dengan yang baru. Kerja-kerja membaik pulih siap sekitar 6 am. Diharap masalah ini tidak akan berulang lagi. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Mr. Lim di atas kesudian untuk sampaikan status kepada semua penduduk yang mengalami gangguan. Tqvm.


Kendalian & Senggaraan


Blackouts on May 4 and 5: What Tenaga Did

Dear SRA Members,
We have been hit twice on successive nights (May 4 and 5) by power outage. On May 4, power was restored quickly and we have commended Tenaga. When it happened again, almost at the same time as a day earlier, I was wondering whether Tenaga "pantang dipuji" :)
On May 5, it took much longer due to a "double fault" and Tenaga has apologised for the inconvenience.
Their crews worked throughout the night from 8.45pm, first working to restore power to all sub-stations affected in KL South and had expected it to be done by midnight. Some of you may have been alerted by SMS by SRA.
Then, around midnight, it was found that the cables at the Bukit Seputeh substation "tripped" due to over-load once supply was restored.
Tenaga then brought in generator sets to supply power while the team worked throughout the night. Supply from the gen-sets came on line at 1.45am, so we all had power by that time.
Cable replacement work was completed by 6am this morning. Those early risers will notice that there was a 3-minute interruption in power supply this morning around 6.10am. This was to enable them to pull out the gen-set and plug in the new supply cable.
Even though we don't like the frequent blackouts, we must acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the Tenaga crews. Thank you, Tenaga, but please try to prevent this from happening once too often.

KH Lim